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Apache rewrite rule with parameters?

I have the following URL:

http://domain.com/index.php?m=feedback&cSubject=My Subject

I want to have a rewrite rule so that the following:

http://domain.com/feedback?Subject=My Subject

maps to the previous url. Heres my rule at the moment:

RewriteRule ^feedback?Subject=(.*)$ index.php?m=feedback&cSubject=$1

Doesn't seem to be working tho! Any ideas?

like image 635
James Avatar asked Oct 09 '09 23:10


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2 Answers

Query Strings are not parsed by Apache Mod_Rewrite, but there is a workaround. Try this

RewriteRule ^feedback/?$ index.php?m=feedback&c%{QUERY_STRING} [NC,L]
like image 68
clops Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 14:11


You can use RewriteCond statement to do exactly what you want:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} Subject=(.*)
RewriteRule ^feedback$ index.php?m=feedback&cSubject=%1 [L]
like image 34
Kepi Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 14:11
