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INotifyPropertyChanged vs. DependencyProperty in ViewModel

When implementing the ViewModel in a Model-View-ViewModel architecture WPF application there seem to be two major choices how to make it databindable. I have seen implementations that use DependencyProperty for properties the View is going to bind against and I have seen the ViewModel implementing INotifyPropertyChanged instead.

My question is when should I prefer one over the other? Are there any performance differences? Is it really a good idea to give the ViewModel dependencies to WPF? What else do I need to consider when make the design decision?

like image 838
bitbonk Avatar asked Nov 14 '08 21:11


People also ask

Why do we use INotifyPropertyChanged?

The INotifyPropertyChanged interface is used to notify clients, typically binding clients, that a property value has changed. For example, consider a Person object with a property called FirstName .

What is a dependency property in WPF?

WPF has provided some extended services to the CLR property that we can collectively call Dependency Properties. A Dependency Property is a property whose value depends on the external sources, such as animation, data binding, styles, or visual tree inheritance.

What are CLR properties?

CLR property is just a wrapper around private variables. It uses Get / Set methods to retrieve and store value of a variable into it. A CLR property gives you only one block in which you can write code to invoke whenever a property is get or set.

1 Answers

Kent wrote an interesting blog about this topic: View Models: POCOs versus DependencyObjects.

Short summary:

  1. DependencyObjects are not marked as serializable
  2. The DependencyObject class overrides and seals the Equals() and GetHashCode() methods
  3. A DependencyObject has thread affinity – it can only be accessed on the thread on which it was created

I prefer the POCO approach. A base class for PresentationModel (aka ViewModel) which implements INotifyPropertyChanged interface can be found here: http://compositeextensions.codeplex.com

like image 121
jbe Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10
