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Injecting Beans in JSF 2.0

I have a Session scoped bean

import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;
public class SessionBean implements Serializable{

I inyect the object in one Filter...

public class FiltroSeguridad implements Filter{

private SessionBean sessionBean;

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
  HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;

But, I inyect SessionBean in the next interaction...

public class CuentaUsuarioWebBean implements Serializable{
 private SessionBean sessionBean;

public void loginUsuario() throws IOException{


But the property getRutaRedirect() returns null

I change the import by CDI annotations it still doesn't work (javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped), same with JSF annotation (javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean and @ManagedProperty).


PD: Sorry for my English!

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Juan Pablo Gómez Uribe Avatar asked Jan 20 '13 21:01

Juan Pablo Gómez Uribe

2 Answers

You can't mix annotations from those two packages you're using javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped for JSF, and import javax.inject.Named for CDI. Both reflect different injection mechanisms and cannot be mixed on the same bean. You have to pick both annotations(for Injection and Bean Scoping) from the same package. Use the following sets from their corresponding packages

For CDI-based bean definitions

javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped //for bean scoping
javax.inject.Named //for bean declaration
javax.inject.Inject //for injection

For JSF-based bean definitions

javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped //for bean scoping
javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean //for bean declaration
javax.faces.bean.ManagedProperty //for bean injection

EDIT: Now I understand your requirements better, use the following construct to inject a JSF managed bean

 SessionBean yourSessionBean;

Also note that within JSF, you can inject only beans of a wider scope than their targets e.g. you can inject a @SessionScoped bean into a @RequestScoped bean and not the other way around

But since JSF managed beans are deprecated, better to use the CDI managed ones. In that case you can inject shorter scoped beans in wider scoped ones

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kolossus Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09


Forget about managed beans. It won't work with a Filter that way. If you insist on using it then do it properly by follow the answer provided here:

How implement a login filter in JSF?

Now regarding CDI, if you problem is that a specific value is null and you have verified this by actually getting a NPE or so (Since for example Eclipse debugger sometimes get's it wrong). Then double check that you used correct SessionScoped like described by kolossus and also check what BalusC said (beans.xml).

A good way to see if CDI is working is to ask the manager for the bean. Put this debug code somewhere and try it:

BeanManager manager;

private void test() {
    Bean<?> bean = (Bean) manager.resolve(manager.getBeans("ANY_NAMED_BEAN_EL_NAME"));

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Karl Kildén Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Karl Kildén