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INDIRECT with increasing cell reference A1 A2 A3 etc

may i know how to enable (CELL A1 in SHEET1)


to drag through columns and rows accordingly without having to type it out one by one

like image 533
Jervis Chionh Avatar asked Sep 19 '12 07:09

Jervis Chionh

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How do you reference a cell indirectly in Excel?

Using Excel INDIRECT function to lock a cell reference Enter any value in any cell, say, number 20 in cell A1. Refer to A1 from two other cells in different ways: =A1 and =INDIRECT("A1")

How do I increase cell references in Excel?

Formula Method The most obvious way to increment a number in Excel is to add a value to it. Start with any value in cell A1, and enter "=A1+1" in cell A2 to increment the starting value by one. Copy the formula in A2 down the rest of the column to continuously increment the preceding number.

What are the 3 types of cell references in Excel?

Now there are three kinds of cell references that you can use in Excel: Relative Cell References. Absolute Cell References. Mixed Cell References.

1 Answers

Sometimes CELL function can be useful here, e.g.


That can be dragged down or across

like image 50
barry houdini Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09

barry houdini