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In which languages is function abstraction not primitive

In Haskell function type (->) is given, it's not an algebraic data type constructor and one cannot re-implement it to be identical to (->).

So I wonder, what languages will allow me to write my version of (->)? How does this property called?

UPD Reformulations of the question thanks to the discussion:

Which languages don't have -> as a primitive type?

Why -> is necessary primitive?

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Yrogirg Avatar asked Mar 30 '12 13:03


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2 Answers

I can't think of any languages that have arrows as a user defined type. The reason is that arrows -- types for functions -- are baked in to the type system, all the way down to the simply typed lambda calculus. That the arrow type must fundamental to the language comes directly from the fact that the way you form functions in the lambda calculus is via lambda abstraction (which, at the type level, introduces arrows).

Although Marcin aptly notes that you can program in a point free style, this doesn't change the essence of what you're doing. Having a language without arrow types as primitives goes against the most fundamental building blocks of Haskell. (The language you reference in the question.)

Having the arrow as a primitive type also shares some important ties to constructive logic: you can read the function arrow type as implication from intuition logic, and programs having that type as "proofs." (Namely, if you have something of type A -> B, you have a proof that takes some premise of type A, and produces a proof for B.)

The fact that you're perturbed by the use of having arrows baked into the language might imply that you're not fundamentally grasping why they're so tied to the design of the language, perhaps it's time to read a few chapters from Ben Pierce's "Types and Programming Languages" link.

Edit: You can always look at languages which don't have a strong notion of functions and have their semantics defined with respect to some other way -- such as forth or PostScript -- but in these languages you don't define inductive data types in the same way as in functional languages like Haskell, ML, or Coq. To put it another way, in any language in which you define constructors for datatypes, arrows arise naturally from the constructors for these types. But in languages where you don't define inductive datatypes in the typical way, you don't get arrow types as naturally because the language just doesn't work that way.

Another edit: I will stick in one more comment, since I thought of it last night. Function types (and function abstraction) forms the basis of pretty much all programming languages -- at least at some level, even if it's "under the hood." However, there are languages designed to define the semantics of other languages. While this doesn't strictly match what you're talking about, PLT Redex is one such system, and is used for specifying and debugging the semantics of programming languages. It's not super useful from a practitioners perspective (unless your goal is to design new languages, in which case it is fairly useful), but maybe that fits what you want.

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Kristopher Micinski Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 19:10

Kristopher Micinski

Do you mean meta-circular evaluators like in SICP? Being able to write your own DSL? If you create your own "function type", you'll have to take care of "applying" it, yourself.

Just as an example, you could create your own "function" in C for instance, with a look-up table holding function pointers, and use integers as functions. You'd have to provide your own "call" function for such "functions", of course:

void call( unsigned int function, int data) { 

You'd also probably want some means of creating more complex functions from primitive ones, for instance using arrays of ints to signify sequential execution of your "primitive functions" 1, 2, 3, ... and end up inventing whole new language for yourself.

I think early assemblers had no ability to create callable "macros" and had to use GOTO.

You could use trampolining to simulate function calls. You could have only global variables store, with shallow binding perhaps. In such language "functions" would be definable, though not primitive type.

So having functions in a language is not necessary, though it is convenient.

In Common Lisp defun is nothing but a macro associating a name and a callable object (though lambda is still a built-in). In AutoLisp originally there was no special function type at all, and functions were represented directly by quoted lists of s-expressions, with first element an arguments list. You can construct your function through use of cons and list functions, from symbols, directly, in AutoLisp:

(setq a (list (cons 'x NIL) '(+ 1 x)))
(a 5)
==> 6

Some languages (like Python) support more than one primitive function type, each with its calling protocol - namely, generators support multiple re-entry and returns (even if syntactically through the use of same def keyword). You can easily imagine a language which would let you define your own calling protocol, thus creating new function types.

Edit: as an example consider dealing with multiple arguments in a function call, the choice between automatic currying or automatical optional args etc. In Common LISP say, you could easily create yourself two different call macros to directly represent the two calling protocols. Consider functions returning multiple values not through a kludge of aggregates (tuples, in Haskell), but directly into designated recepient vars/slots. All are different types of functions.

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Will Ness Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 19:10

Will Ness