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In WatiN how to wait until postback is complete




in WatiN how can I wait until postback is complete.

For example:

// Postback response modifies update panel elsewhere on page

// WatiN doesn't wait until postback is completed (what code should I replace it with?).
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Sergej Andrejev Avatar asked Dec 30 '09 11:12

Sergej Andrejev

3 Answers

You could check if IE is busy rather than complete.

while (((SHDocVw.InternetExplorerClass)(_ie.InternetExplorer)).Busy)
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gingerbreadboy Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 00:11


WaitUntilComplete doesn't recognize ajax calls. See this article (search on WaitForAsyncPostBackToComplete) on how to inject some code to make that work as well: WatiN, Ajax and some Extension Methods

HTH, Jeroen

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Jeroen van Menen Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 01:11

Jeroen van Menen

As mentioned WaitForComplete is fine for a loading page, but doesn't work for Ajax calls.

Here's a very simple solution that works well for my situation where I expect a specific element to appear... perhaps... eventually. It simply loops until elementID exists on a page, or times out after 20 seconds:

DateTime _startWait = DateTime.Now;
while (_startWait.AddMilliseconds(20000) > DateTime.Now && !WatiNbrowser.Elements.Exists(elementID))
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Ben Power Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 01:11

Ben Power