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In Vim, is there a way to paste text in the search line?



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How do you paste words into Vim?

Pasting in Vim Once you have selected text in Vim, no matter whether it is using the yank or the delete command, you can paste it in the wanted location. In Vim terminology, pasting is called putting and the function is utilized with the p command. Using this command pastes the selected text after the cursor.

You can insert the contents of a numbered or named register by typing CTRLR {0-9a-z"%#:-=.}. By typing CTRL-R CTRL-W you can paste the current word under the cursor. See:

:he cmdline-editing

for more information.

Copy it as normal, then do CtrlR" to paste. There are lots of other CtrlR shortcuts (e.g, a calculator, current filename, clipboard contents). Type :help c_<C-R> to see the full list.

1) v (or highlight with mouse, in visual mode)
2) y (yank)

1) / (search mode)
2) Ctrl + R + 0 (paste from yanked register)

Type q: to get into history editing mode in a new buffer. Then edit the last line of the buffer and press Enter to execute it.

Or create the command in a vim buffer , e.g. type it in the buffer:


And copy it to a named register, with "ayy (if the cursor is on that line!).

Now you can execute the contents of the "a" register from Vim's Ex command line with:


I use it all the time.

Typically, you would do that with mouse selecting (perhaps CtrlIns or CtrlC after selecting) and then, when in the command/search line, middle-clicking (or ShiftIns or CtrlV).

Another way, is to write your command/search line in the text buffer with all the editing available in text buffers, starting with : and all, then, on the line, do:


which will store the whole command line in buffer a, and then execute it. It won't be stored in the command history, though.

Try creating the following line in the text buffer as an example for the key presses above:


Finally, you can enter q: to enter history editing in a text buffer.