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Vim: apply settings on files in directory



How do I specify Vim settings for all files under the current directory?

The ideal solution would be if Vim searched for and read a .vimrc in the current directory before searching for ~/.vimrc, and apply the settings there for the entire tree.

I've seen a plugin, but this means the applied settings aren't transparent since they require the plugin to be installed. In contrast, a modeline is transparent since regardless of a user's vimrc or specific vim invocation the modeline settings will be applied for that file.

Things I tried are

  • placing a .vimrc in the working directory
  • :so vimrc in the modeline.

I suppose both don't work for security reasons. I don't need the full power of a vimrc; being bound to settings acceptable by a modeline would suffice. My goal is to make it easier for vimmers to adopt coding standards in a project.

like image 482
wilhelmtell Avatar asked Jan 19 '09 07:01


People also ask

How do I change the path of a file in Vim?

You can change the working directory with :cd path/to/new/directory . Or you can enter the full path to the location where you want to save the file with the write command, e.g., :w /var/www/filename .

How do I edit a vimrc file?

Opening vimrc Using file name completion, you could type :e $M then press Tab until you see the desired variable. If you only want to see the path, type :echo $M then press Tab to see the variable, and press Enter. In gvim, the Edit menu includes "Startup Settings" which will use $MYVIMRC to edit your vimrc file.

2 Answers

You can put something like this in $VIM/vimrc

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /path/to/files/* set nowrap tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 
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sth Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10


I'd strongly suggest not using set exrc

Even with set secure, under *nix, vim will still run autocommands, shell, et al, if you own the file. So if you happend to edit a file in that tarball I sent you with a .vimrc containing:

autocmd BufEnter * :silent! !echo rm -rf ~/ 

you'll probably be less amused than I will.

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phen Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10
