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In Ubuntu, how do I figure out which process is a network pig [closed]

Using top it's easy to identify processes that are hogging memory and cpu, but ocasionally I see my computer's network activity spike, but I'm unable to determine which process is generating the activity. Where is the right place to look for this information?

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Bob Herrmann Avatar asked Mar 31 '09 12:03

Bob Herrmann

People also ask

How do I see what process belongs to a network connection?

netstat --inet -ap will show you what processes are using the internet and what host/port each process is using. If you want IP addresses and not hostnames, use -n . ( --inet shows only internet sockets, -a shows both listening and connection sockets, -p shows process name/ID information).

4 Answers

You can also take a look at "NetHogs": http://nethogs.sourceforge.net/. Little yet very handy utility. Especially if you want to find out which process is taking the bandwidth.

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Krzysztof Wilczyński Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10

Krzysztof Wilczyński

You can install several applications to monitor network traffic in real time. NTOP, tcpdump, trafshow, iptraf.

I would go with NTOP or IPTRAF. But that's just a personal taste.

Also, with Linux's netstat you can use the -p flag to see how many connections is a process using.

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Pablo Santa Cruz Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10

Pablo Santa Cruz

You can also use iftop. In Ubuntu you can install it by typing in terminal: sudo aptitude install iftop. To use type: sudo iftop -i eth0, where eth0 is your network interface.

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Czubek Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10


The package 'nmon' provides a comparable tool to top. The design's a bit different since the kernel doesn't provide excellent statistics via /proc.

Description: performance monitoring tool for Linux
 nmon is a systems administrator, tuner, benchmark tool.
 It can display the CPU, memory, network, disks (mini graphs or numbers),

There's also iftop:

Description: displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface
 iftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage. It listens to
 network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current bandwidth
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jldugger Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10
