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Changing the background color of an intellij pane


I've changed the color scheme in intellij so that the background of the Java editor pane is dark and the text is light. I'm not sure if this is directly related, however, in other windows such as the 'run' window, the background stays white but any system messages are displayed as white text. This is obviously a problem as I can't read white text on a white background unless I manually highlight the text to have the background a different color.

Is there a way to change the background color of other panes other than the editor pane in IntelliJ?

like image 901
digiarnie Avatar asked Aug 13 '10 02:08


1 Answers

I believe if you restart IntelliJ, it will update the background of all panes (tool windows).

If you are having trouble to revert back to light frames, there is a way to do that.

Locate the your IntelliJ settings folder (on Windows, it is typically C:\Users\{username}\.IdeaIC12\, on Mac, it is something like ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea13/options. Of course you have to select the appropriate IntelliJ folder)).

Go to the folder config\options\.

Edit the file options.xml.

Delete these lines:

    <component name="LafManager">       <laf class-name="idea.dark.laf.classname" />     </component> 


like image 112
Miklos Jakab Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Miklos Jakab