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Extract lines between 2 tokens in a text file using bash


i have a text file which looks like this:

random useless text  <!-- this is token 1 -->  para1  para2  para3  <!-- this is token 2 -->  random useless text again 

I want to extract the text in between the tokens (excluding the tokens of course). I tried using ## and %% to extract the data in between but it didn't work. I think it is not meant for manipulating such large text files. Any suggestions how i can do it ? maybe awk or sed ?

like image 260
tapan Avatar asked Jan 31 '11 23:01


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1 Answers

No need for head and tail or grep or to read the file multiple times:

sed -n '/<!-- this is token 1 -->/{:a;n;/<!-- this is token 2 -->/b;p;ba}' inputfile 


  • -n - don't do an implicit print
  • /<!-- this is token 1 -->/{ - if the starting marker is found, then
    • :a - label "a"
      • n - read the next line
      • /<!-- this is token 2 -->/q - if it's the ending marker, quit
      • p - otherwise, print the line
    • ba - branch to label "a"
  • } end if
like image 174
Dennis Williamson Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Dennis Williamson