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In requires parameter lists, can you introduce types that result in substitution failures?

For example, can I define a concept like

template <class Iter>                                                        
concept bool Iterator =                                                      
    requires(Iter i, typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type val,    
             typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::reference ref) {           
  // other implementation                                                    

With gcc 6 this code will compile, but something like Iterator<int> will also result to true even though val and ref would be substitution failures. Is this what it's suppose to do?

like image 927
Ryan Burn Avatar asked Sep 26 '15 19:09

Ryan Burn

1 Answers

Using the latest public available draft N4377, this is a parameterized constraint ([temp.constr.param]):

A parameterized constraint is a constraint that declares a sequence of parameters (8.3.5), called constraint variables, and has a single operand. [ Note: Parameterized constraints are introduced by requires-expressions (5.1.4). The constraint variables of a parameterized constraint correspond to the parameters declared in the requirement-parameter-list of a requires-expression, and the operand of the constraint is the conjunction of constraints. — end note ]

And that section explicitly contemplates substitution failures for constraint variables ([temp.constr.param]/2):

A parameterized constraint is satisfied if and only substitution into the types of its constraint variables does not result in an invalid type, and its operand is satisfied. Template arguments are substituted into the declared constraint variables in the order in which they are declared. If substitution into a constraint variable fails, no more substitutions are performed, and the constraint is not satisfied.

The behavior you observe appears to be a bug in the implementation.

like image 91
T.C. Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
