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In c++ what does a tilde "~" before a function name signify?



People also ask

What is tilde used for in C?

In mathematics, the tilde often represents approximation, especially when used in duplicate, and is sometimes called the "equivalency sign." In regular expressions, the tilde is used as an operator in pattern matching, and in C programming, it is used as a bitwise operator representing a unary negation (i.e., "bitwise ...

Why is tilde used in C++?

The bitwise NOT operator in C++ is the tilde character ~ . Unlike & and |, the bitwise NOT operator is applied to a single operand to its right. Bitwise NOT changes each bit to its opposite: 0 becomes 1, and 1 becomes 0.

How do you call a destructor in C++?

Use the obj. ~ClassName() Notation to Explicitly Call a Destructor Function. Destructors are special functions that get executed when an object goes out of scope automatically or is deleted by an explicit call by the user.

What is constructor and destructor C++?

Constructor and Destructor are the special member functions of the class which are created by the C++ compiler or can be defined by the user. Constructor is used to initialize the object of the class while destructor is called by the compiler when the object is destroyed.

It's the destructor, it destroys the instance, frees up memory, etc. etc.

Here's a description from ibm.com:

Destructors are usually used to deallocate memory and do other cleanup for a class object and its class members when the object is destroyed. A destructor is called for a class object when that object passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted.

See https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_ibm_i_74/rzarg/cplr380.htm

As others have noted, in the instance you are asking about it is the destructor for class Stack.

But taking your question exactly as it appears in the title:

In c++ what does a tilde “~” before a function name signify?

there is another situation. In any context except immediately before the name of a class (which is the destructor context), ~ is the one's complement (or bitwise not) operator. To be sure it does not come up very often, but you can imagine a case like

if (~getMask()) { ...

which looks similar, but has a very different meaning.

It's a destructor. The function is guaranteed to be called when the object goes out of scope.

This is a destructor. It's called when the object is destroyed (out of life scope or deleted).

To be clear, you have to use ~NameOfTheClass like for the constructor, other names are invalid.

It's the destructor. This method is called when the instance of your class is destroyed:

Stack<int> *stack= new Stack<int>;
//do something
delete stack; //<- destructor is called here;