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In Biqquery, how to filter an array of Struct on matching multiple fields in the Struct using Standard Sql?

Here is the record layout of the table (load_history) I am trying to use filter on using Standard Sql (because legacy sql will probably become obsolete at some point):

    "mode": "NULLABLE",
    "name": "Job",
    "type": "RECORD",
    "fields": [
          "mode": "NULLABLE",
          "name": "name",
          "type": "STRING"
          "mode": "NULLABLE",
          "name": "start_time",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP"
          "mode": "NULLABLE",
          "name": "end_time",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP"
    "mode": "REPEATED",
    "name": "source",
    "type": "RECORD",
    "description": "source tables touched by this job",
    "fields": [     
          "mode": "NULLABLE",
          "name": "database",
          "type": "STRING"
          "mode": "NULLABLE",
          "name": "schema",
          "type": "STRING"
          "mode": "NULLABLE",
          "name": "table",
          "type": "STRING"
          "mode": "NULLABLE",
          "name": "partition_time",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP"

I need to filter and select only records where there is an entry in array "source" whose "schema" & "table" fields match certain values (ex. schema='log' AND table='customer' in the same array entry).

The following works when filtering only on one field in the Struct (schema name) :

select name, array(select x from unnest(schema) as x where x ='log' ), table
from (select job.name , array(select schema from unnest(source)) as schema, 
      array(select table from unnest(source)) as table
      from  config.load_history)

However, I can't make it work to filter on combination of fields in the same array entry.

Would appreciate your help

like image 416
FZF Avatar asked Jun 28 '17 21:06


3 Answers

for BigQuery Standard SQL

FROM data, UNNEST(source) AS s
WHERE (s.schema, s.table) = ('log', 'customer')  


FROM data
  SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(source) AS s 
  WHERE (s.schema, s.table) = ('log', 'customer')

you can test/play with it with below dummy data

WITH data AS (
    STRUCT<name STRING, start_time INT64, end_time INT64>('jobA', 1, 2) AS job,
    [STRUCT<database STRING, schema STRING, table STRING, partition_time INT64>
      ('d1', 's1', 't1', 1), 
      ('d1', 's2', 't2', 2), 
      ('d1', 's3', 't3', 3) 
    ] AS source UNION ALL
    STRUCT<name STRING, start_time INT64, end_time INT64>('jobB', 1, 2) AS job,
    [STRUCT<database STRING, schema STRING, table STRING, partition_time INT64>
      ('d1', 's1', 't1', 1), 
      ('d2', 's4', 't2', 2), 
      ('d2', 's3', 't3', 3) 
    ] AS source 
FROM data
  SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(source) AS s 
  WHERE (s.schema, s.table) = ('s2', 't2')
like image 82
Mikhail Berlyant Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 13:09

Mikhail Berlyant

It sounds like you want something like this:

  ARRAY(SELECT schema FROM UNNEST(matching_sources)) AS matching_schemas,
  ARRAY(SELECT table FROM UNNEST(matching_sources)) AS matching_tables
          WHERE schema = 'log' AND `table` = 'customer') AS matching_sources
  FROM YourTable
WHERE ARRAY_LENGTH(matching_sources) > 0;

This would return an array of schemas and an array of tables, where both match the condition, and exclude rows where no entry in the array matches the condition.

like image 22
Elliott Brossard Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 13:09

Elliott Brossard

I need to filter and select only records where there is an entry in array "source" whose "schema" & "table" fields match certain values

This sounds like it could be solved with a simple WHERE clause, like so:

WITH data AS(
  select STRUCT<name STRING, start_time TIMESTAMP, end_time TIMESTAMP> ('job_1', TIMESTAMP("2017-06-10"), TIMESTAMP("2017-06-11")) Job, ARRAY<STRUCT<database STRING, schema STRING, table STRING, partition_time TIMESTAMP> > [STRUCT('database_1', "schema_1", "table_1", TIMESTAMP("2017-06-10")), STRUCT('database_1', "schema_1", "table_2", TIMESTAMP("2017-06-10")), STRUCT('database_1', "schema_3", "table_1", TIMESTAMP("2017-06-10")), STRUCT('database_2', "schema_2", "table_2", TIMESTAMP("2017-06-10"))] source union all
  select STRUCT<name STRING, start_time TIMESTAMP, end_time TIMESTAMP> ('job_2', TIMESTAMP("2017-06-10"), TIMESTAMP("2017-06-11")) Job, ARRAY<STRUCT<database STRING, schema STRING, table STRING, partition_time TIMESTAMP> > [STRUCT('database_2', "schema_2", "table_2", TIMESTAMP("2017-06-10")), STRUCT('database_2', "schema_2", "table_3", TIMESTAMP("2017-06-10")), STRUCT('database_1', "schema_1", "table_3", TIMESTAMP("2017-06-10"))] source

FROM data
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(source) WHERE schema = "schema_2" AND table = "table_2")

This will return all rows where, at some point, had a given schema and a given table.

If you want to filter out in the output only the records with the matched filters, you could also run this:

  ARRAY(SELECT AS STRUCT database, schema, table, partition_time FROM UNNEST(source) WHERE schema = "schema_2" AND table = "table_2") filtered_data
FROM data
  WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(source) WHERE schema = "schema_2" AND table = "table_2")

Not sure if this is exactly what you want in your question but it might give you an idea on how to filter out values from ARRAYs.

like image 45
Willian Fuks Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 13:09

Willian Fuks