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Select several event params in a single row for Firebase events stored in Google BigQuery

I'm trying to perform a very simple query for Firebase events stored in Google BigQuery but I´m not able to find a way to do it.

In the Android app, I´m logging an event like this:

Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("productID", productId);
params.putInt(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE, value);
firebaseAnalytics.logEvent("productEvent", params);

So, in BigQuery I have something like this:

 ___________________ _______________________ ____________________________ 
| event_dim.name    | event_dim.params.key  | event_dim.params.int_value | 
| productEvent      | productID             | 25                         | 
|                   |_______________________|____________________________| 
|                   | value                 | 1253                       |

When I get the data from this table I get two rows:

 ___________________ _______________________ ____________________________
|event_dim.name     | event_dim.params.key  | event_dim.params.int_value |
| productEvent      | productID             | 25                         |
| productEvent      | value                 | 12353                      |

But what I really need is a SELECT clause from this table to get the data as below:

 ___________________ _____________ _________
|   name            | productID   | value   |
| productEvent      | 25          | 12353   |

Any idea or suggestion?

like image 208
alvaro torrico Avatar asked Oct 12 '16 12:10

alvaro torrico

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BigQuery is a Google Cloud tool that lets you run super-fast queries of large datasets. You can export all of your raw, unsampled events from Google Analytics to BigQuery, and then use a SQL-like syntax to query that data.

1 Answers

You can pivot the values into columns like this

  event_dim.name as name,
  MAX(IF(event_dim.params.key = "productID", event_dim.params.int_value, NULL)) WITHIN RECORD productID,
  MAX(IF(event_dim.params.key = "value", event_dim.params.int_value, NULL)) WITHIN RECORD value,
FROM [events] 

In case you want to generate this command using SQL, see this solution: Pivot Repeated fields in BigQuery

like image 75
Pentium10 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 07:11
