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Obtaining string after Last Slash in BigQuery Standard SQL

Let's say I have a column called 'Youtube' and I want to extract the string after the last slash of a URL. How would I do this in BigQuery Standard SQL?





Essentially, I want:



like image 834
javacash Avatar asked Oct 30 '18 21:10


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BigQuery substring after character For this, the first step is to use the STRPOS() function inside the SUBSTR() function to define the precise location of the @ character in the string. Afterwards we add 1 to the substring to indicate where the beginning is.

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2 Answers

An alternative to the previous answer, which also works when there's a '/' at the end:

WITH data AS(
  SELECT 'https://youtube.com/user/HaraldSchmidtShow' AS url UNION ALL
  SELECT 'https://youtube.com/user/applesofficial' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'https://youtube.com/user/GrahamColton' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'https://youtube.com/user/GrahamColton/'

SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(url, r'/([^/]+)/?$') name
FROM `data`
like image 158
Felipe Hoffa Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Felipe Hoffa

This might already do the trick for you:

WITH data AS(
  SELECT 'https://youtube.com/user/HaraldSchmidtShow' AS url UNION ALL
  SELECT 'https://youtube.com/user/applesofficial' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'https://youtube.com/user/GrahamColton'

  SPLIT(url, '/')[SAFE_OFFSET(ARRAY_LENGTH(SPLIT(url, '/')) - 1)] AS name
FROM `data`

It just splits the string and goes for the last value.

like image 22
Willian Fuks Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Willian Fuks