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SQL Hibernate is not retuning the same results as a direct SQL query

I have a Java app which interfaces with MySQL via Hibernate.

In my code, I have the app executing the SQL command:

final SQLQuery query = sf.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(
            "select\n" +
            "   id, null as store_id, case when transaction_type = 'SALE' then 1 else -1 end as sign, payment_type,\n" +
            "   sum(cost_before_tax) as amount_before_tax, sum(tax_amount) as tax_amount, sum(cost) as amount,\n" +
            "   sum(ticket_count) as count\n" +
            "from settlement_collection_initial_settlement\n" +
            "where\n" +
            "   business_date between :start and :end\n" +
            (storeID != null ? "    and store_id = :store\n" : "") +
            "group by transaction_type, payment_type"
        query.setDate("start", start);
        query.setDate("end", end != null ? end : start);
        if (storeID != null) {
            query.setString("store", new UUIDType().toSQLString(storeID));
        return query.list();

And query.list() returns: enter image description here

However, if I run the exact same query in MySqlWorkbench:

    id, store_id, case when transaction_type = 'SALE' then 1 else -1 end as sign, payment_type,
    sum(cost_before_tax) as amount_before_tax, sum(tax_amount) as tax_amount, sum(cost) as amount,
    sum(ticket_count) as count
from settlement_collection_initial_settlement
    business_date between '2018-07-27' and '2018-07-27'
    and store_id = 'xxxxxx'
group by transaction_type, payment_type

I get the results: enter image description here

Notice that those results are close, but not the same. Have a look at the two CASH lines, and the direct SQL shows a second CASH line with a different sign and other values. So in essense, the Hibernate executed sql is repeating that CASH line.

To me, it looks like both ways should return the exact same results. Does anyone see why my Hibernate SQL is returning different (wrong) results from when I directly execute the SQL?


Here is my AmountRow class:

public class AmountRow {

    static final int SIGN_SALE_OR_DEBIT = 1, SIGN_REFUND_OR_CREDIT = -1;

    private float id;

    @JoinColumn(name = "store_id", nullable = true)
    private Store store;

    @Column(nullable = true)
    private Payment.Type paymentType;

    private int sign;

    // NOTE: "$" is the name of a custom class
    @Column(nullable = false)
    @org.hibernate.annotations.Type(type = "com.mycompany.service.$Type")
    private $ amountBeforeTax, taxAmount, amount;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private int count;

    // Hibernate constructor
    protected AmountRow() {}

    // NOTE: "$" is the name of a custom class
    AmountRow(final $ amountBeforeTax, final $ taxAmount, final $ amount, final int count, final int sign) {
        Assert.noneNull(amountBeforeTax, "amountBeforeTax", taxAmount, "taxAmount", amount, "amount");
        Assert.notNegative(count, "count");
        this.amountBeforeTax = amountBeforeTax;
        this.taxAmount = taxAmount;
        this.amount = amount;
        this.count = count;
        this.sign = sign;

    // NOTE: "$" is the name of a custom class
    AmountRow(final $ amountBeforeTax, final $ taxAmount, final $ amount, final int count, final int sign, final Payment.Type paymentType) {
        this(amountBeforeTax, taxAmount, amount, count, sign);
        this.paymentType = paymentType;

    static void assertValidSign(final int sign) {
        if (sign != SIGN_SALE_OR_DEBIT && sign != SIGN_REFUND_OR_CREDIT)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid sign " + sign);

    public String toString() {
        return "AmountRow[paymentType=" + paymentType + ", sign=" + sign + ", amountBeforeTax=" + amountBeforeTax + ", taxAmount=" + taxAmount + ", amount=" + amount + ", count=" + count + "]";

    public Store getStore() {
        return store;

    public Payment.Type getPaymentType() {
        return paymentType;

    public int getSign() {
        return sign;

    public $ getAmountBeforeTax() {
        return amountBeforeTax;

    public $ getTaxAmount() {
        return taxAmount;

    public $ getAmount() {
        return amount;

    public int getCount() {
        return count;

    public $ getAmountBeforeTaxPerCount() {
        return count != 0 ? amountBeforeTax.divide(count) : null;

    public $ getAmountPerCount() {
        return count != 0 ? amount.divide(count) : null;
like image 557
Brett Avatar asked Jul 30 '18 19:07


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2 Answers

This is caused by different timezone between your application and your DB.


  • Use absolute time like Epoch millisecond to represent time (Work regardless timezone) OR
  • Check timezone of your application and sql server, choose and convert your Date to a common timezone

Your HSQL also expose another problem in your code: There's a duplicated result.

Your should post your AmountRow class for further investigation.


After reading your AmountRow class, the problem is usage of float as @Id key would cause wrong equality check, makes Hibernate not load the data from DB. You should never rely on float/double equality.

@df778899 has an excellent explanation for this issue.

Change the @Id field to long/int to solve the duplication.

like image 76
Mạnh Quyết Nguyễn Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Mạnh Quyết Nguyễn

@Manh is right in his earlier comment about the id as a float. He deserves the answer + bounty - just using an answer to allow room to explain...

The reason is that Hibernate manages objects in its session in a StatefulPersistenceContext. Entities in there are effectively keyed in a HashMap by the @Id value. (The real key class is an org.hibernate.engine.spi.EntityKey, but the equals() method on here will, still indirectly, drill down to Float.equals() against the two auto-boxed float id values).

Those id values have too much precision for a float - the limit is typically about 7 digits:

16842421f -> (float) 1.684242E7
16842423f -> (float) 1.6842424E7
16842419f -> (float) 1.684242E7

Clearly rows 0 and 2 will be treated as having equal id values, and therefore seen as the same entity instance by Hibernate. As @Manh says, an int or a long would cope better.

like image 37
df778899 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
