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Import Error: No module named AppKit




I use Mac OS X Lion and Python 2.7. I am new to python. Can anyone tell me how to import AppKit and PyObjC to Python. But i get the errors when trying to import Import Error: No module named AppKit or 'Import Error: No module named PyObjC.

Trying easy_install does not help either. This is a screenshot when I run <code>easy_install PyObjC</code>

What can i do to import these 2 modules?

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VeilEclipse Avatar asked Oct 07 '12 09:10


2 Answers

If not already installed, install pip by running:

sudo easy_install pip

Then run:

## install for all users
sudo pip install pyobjc


## install for current user only
pip install pyobjc --user

NOTE: the general recommendation is to avoid using the system python, and use instead a user-maintained version, for example installed via brew install python3, macports, conda or whatever you already use for third party dependencies.

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ccpizza Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09


If you're on Mac it could be you're using the incorrect pip version, try sudo pip3 install -U pyobjc that solved it for me.

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Karl Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
