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Python Wrap Class Method

I'm trying to create an object with a run method that will be wrapped by a _wrap_run method. I'd like to be able to call the method and it's wrapper by simply typing instance.run() and I'd like to be able to subclass the object so I can override the run() method and have it still execute the wrapper.

More simply put, I want people to be able to subclass A and override run() but still have calls to the run() method execute the wrapper function.

I'm having some difficulty with the mechanics of this. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding this approach?

class A:

    def run(self):
        print "Run A"
        return True

    def _wrap_run(self):
        print "PRE"
        return_value = self.run()
        print "POST"
        return return_value

    run = property(_wrap_run)

a = A()
Should Print: 
Run A

class B(A):

    def run(self):
        print "Run B"
        return True

b = B()
Should Print: 
Run B
like image 486
Joe J Avatar asked Jul 21 '11 18:07

Joe J

People also ask

What is wrapper method in Python?

What are Wrappers in Python? So, wrappers are the functionality available in Python to wrap a function with another function to extend its behavior. Now, the reason to use wrappers in our code lies in the fact that we can modify a wrapped function without actually changing it. They are also known as decorators.

What is a class wrapper in Python?

In Python, wrappers are modifications to functions or classes which change the behavior in some way. They are called wrappers because they “wrap” around the existing code to modify it. This is most commonly used with function wrapping, but we can also wrap classes.

How do you use wrapper class in Python?

Program Explanation:First, we create one function which is named as a wrapper Example. Next, create class Wrapper and two functions i.e __init__ and get_name. The function __init__ is used to initialize the function. Here A(y) returns an object to class code.

Are there wrapper classes in Python?

Decoration is a way to specify management code for functions and classes. Decorators themselves take the form of callable objects that process other callable objects.

1 Answers

What other folks do

class A:
   def do_run( self ):
       """Must be overridden."""
       raise NotImplementedError
   def run( self, *args, **kw ):
       """Must not be overridden.
       You were warned.
       print "PRE"
       return_value = self.do_run(*args, **kw)
       print "POST"
       return return_value

class B(A):
    def do_run(self):
        print "Run B"
        return True

That's usually sufficient.

If you want to worry about someone "breaking" this, stop now. Don't waste time worrying.

It's Python. We're all adults here. All the malicious sociopaths will break all you code by copying it, changing it, and then breaking it. No matter what you do, they'll just copy your code and modify it to break the clever bits.

Everyone else will read your comment and stick by your rules. If they want to use your module/package/framework, they will cooperate.

like image 62
S.Lott Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10
