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Import and use three.js library in vue component

Could someone please explain me how I correctly import and use the three.js library in a vue component?

After many many searches It became clear to me that most people use the following line to import three.js in a vue component, however I think it's outdated (usef for older three.js document or used in older vue versions).

import * as THREE from './js/three.js';

Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work for me as I get the following warnings when compiling my vue project afterwards. (Note that the project actually doesn't compile correctly and I get an empty file when I browse to it). enter image description here

I tried many other common ways to import the three.js that didn't work either!

I'm no Vue expert at all, but three.js contains the following code block with exports, I think this may affect the way I need to import this library to avoid the compiling warnings.

exports.WebGLRenderTargetCube = WebGLRenderTargetCube;
exports.WebGLRenderTarget = WebGLRenderTarget;
exports.WebGLRenderer = WebGLRenderer;
exports.ShaderLib = ShaderLib;
exports.UniformsLib = UniformsLib;
exports.UniformsUtils = UniformsUtils;
exports.ShaderChunk = ShaderChunk;
exports.FogExp2 = FogExp2;
exports.Fog = Fog;
exports.Scene = Scene;
(and so one...)

The complete Vue component file that I'm using for my project.

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ItsShowtime Avatar asked Dec 16 '17 20:12


2 Answers

For anyone who just want to try out a basic setup. This is the three.js example in a vue component 'ThreeTest'. Project setup with vue-cli 'vue init webpack ProjectName', 'cd ProjectName', 'npm install three --save' and replace the 'HelloWorld' component with this one:

    <div id="container"></div>

import * as Three from 'three'

export default {
  name: 'ThreeTest',
  data() {
    return {
      camera: null,
      scene: null,
      renderer: null,
      mesh: null
  methods: {
    init: function() {
        let container = document.getElementById('container');

        this.camera = new Three.PerspectiveCamera(70, container.clientWidth/container.clientHeight, 0.01, 10);
        this.camera.position.z = 1;

        this.scene = new Three.Scene();

        let geometry = new Three.BoxGeometry(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
        let material = new Three.MeshNormalMaterial();

        this.mesh = new Three.Mesh(geometry, material);

        this.renderer = new Three.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true});
        this.renderer.setSize(container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight);

    animate: function() {
        this.mesh.rotation.x += 0.01;
        this.mesh.rotation.y += 0.02;
        this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);
  mounted() {

<style scoped>
    //TODO give your container a size.
like image 162
PolygonParrot Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09


This is a follow up of the previous answer given by @PolygonParrot. As the limitation of comment length I had to put my answer here.

Thanks very much for your answer, @PolygonParrot. It helped me a lot! Based on your demo code I figured out that the key to separate animation code from Vue component code is to pass a correct animation context to the module defined in animation.js. I think my first try failed maybe because of the "closure" feature of functional programming, which is a painful concept to adapt to for an ancient programmer like me. My animation.js now looks like this:

import * as THREE from 'three'
// passed in container id within which this animation will be shown
export function createBoxRotationContext(container) {
var ctx = new Object();
ctx.init = function init() {
    ctx.container = container;
    ctx.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(70, ctx.container.clientWidth/ctx.container.clientHeight, 0.01, 10);
    ctx.camera.position.z = 1;

    ctx.scene = new THREE.Scene();

    let geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.3, 0.4, 0.5);
    let material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial();
    ctx.box = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

    ctx.fnhelper   = new THREE.FaceNormalsHelper(ctx.box, 0.3, 0x0000ff, 0.1);
    ctx.axes = new THREE.AxesHelper(5);


    ctx.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true});
    ctx.renderer.setSize(ctx.container.clientWidth, ctx.container.clientHeight);
ctx.animate = function animate() {
    ctx.box.rotation.x += 0.01;
    ctx.box.rotation.y += 0.02;
    ctx.renderer.render(ctx.scene, ctx.camera);
return ctx;

And the .vue file now looks like:

import * as animator from '@/components/sandbox/animation.js'

export default {
    name: 'Sandbox',
    data() {
      return {
        camera: null,
        scene: null,
        renderer: null,
        mesh: null
    mounted() {
        let context = animator.createBoxRotationContext(

As my scene grows bigger by adding more stuff in, my vue template can keep clean and hide animation logic behind the view. I think my use of context here still looks weird but at least it serve my purpose well just for now. render result

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L3w1s Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
