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Implementing websockets in microservices application

I have a pretty complicated excercise, but I have managed well so far. Only thing left for me to do is add WebSockets to the mix.

It's a simple voting app on two topics, but I have to use specific technologies to use on specific parts. Also, everything is running in Docker.

Here is the architecture of my application:


Currently the application works on HTTP requests, but I have to implement WebSockets somehow. I know I have to link Angular, but what's the other one?

How would I implement WebSockets in this case?

like image 437
eixcs Avatar asked Dec 28 '18 21:12


People also ask

How do you implement WebSockets?

webSockets are implemented as follows: Client makes HTTP request to server with "upgrade" header on the request. If server agrees to the upgrade, then client and server exchange some security credentials and the protocol on the existing TCP socket is switched from HTTP to webSocket.

Can I use WebSocket with REST API?

Yes. You can use REST over WebSocket with library like SwaggerSocket.

Does spring boot support WebSocket?

To build the WebSocket server-side, we will utilize the Spring Boot framework which significantly speeds up the development of standalone and web applications in Java. Spring Boot includes the spring-WebSocket module, which is compatible with the Java WebSocket API standard (JSR-356).

1 Answers

Websockets have a lot in common with https. In fact, they start their lives as https connections and then get upgraded to persistent websocket connections.

So, your client (Javascript in your browser) initiates a connection using an instance of the WebSocket object. Then it can send and receive messages to and from the server. Your browser code might look like this. It initiates a connection. When the connection opens it sends a message.

const ws = new WebSocket("ws://www.example.com:8090/socketserver");

ws.onmessage = function (event) {
    console.log ('incoming', event.data);

ws.onopen = function (event) {
    ws.send ("Hey there server!");

On the server (nodejs) side you need to rig up a websocket server to accept your client connections. You can do this with npm's ws package. (There are other packages, but I known this one works.)

Your minimum viable ws server code is pretty simple too.

const WebSocket = require('ws');
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8090 });

wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
  /* Here an incoming websocket connection is accepted 
   * You must keep the ws object in scope for the lifetime
   * of the connection */

  ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
    console.log('received: %s', message);

  /* respond to ping keepalives from client */
  ws.on('ping', function ping() {

  /* send messages as needed */
  ws.send('hey there client!');

Notice this: browser security doesn't allow you to mix connection modes (https / http) from browsers to servers. So if the rest of your front end is served via https:, you'll need to use wss: instead of ws:. It's a little harder to rig on the server side, but still works the same way.

Also notice that I haven't given any error or timeout handling. Production code needs those things.

like image 95
O. Jones Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

O. Jones