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Server sent response but Client not loading the sent content

I have simple node server (nodejs + express + ejs rendering), when user tried to load a particular page server sends that compiled html and sends that in response.

In order to track users I have added 2 counters

a. counter which increments when server receives request for that page

b. when client loads the page it contains one some code which will make HTTP requests back to my server which I use as counter

Now the issue is that as time passes on the difference between sentResponse counter and clientLoad counter increases increases so much so that I get sentResponse = 7000 and clientLoad = 3600.

Any suggesstions on what could cause that kind of behavior

Note: I also have setup Cloudfare before requests reaches my server and I paused it but still I was getting huge differences ?

Note: I also noticed that lots of users are making requests to the page frequently like multiple times under 4s but I am sure that I am sending valid html and I different is almost 50% so I dont think that every user that visits the page is pressing ctrl+r 2 or more times under 4s.



app.get('/dashboard', (res, res) => {

    res.render(page.ejs, {...});

app.get('/client-load-start', (req, res) => {


        <script src='/client-load-start?version=<some_random_4_digit_number>'></script>

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Nishant Desai Avatar asked Sep 28 '18 13:09

Nishant Desai

2 Answers

I can think of the following possibilities on why the count could be different.

  • Setting caching headers (Cache-Control) could cause the browser to cache requests.
  • JS is not enabled in client's browser and so there is no possibility in making an AJAX call to the server to update clientLoad counter (This is less possible , but still is one of the possibility).
  • People interacted with the page even before the page loaded causing the AJAX call to not fire. People reloaded the page before the page could load.

If you are simply looking to track

  • Page hits , you can use the "sentResponse" counter.
  • Active Users , think about web sockets (Counting the number of hits to my webpage)
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user2977259 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10


You can try to use cache-busting methods. Every time the browser loads /dashboard the browser is getting a script source to your /client-load-start route. The problem is the only time /client-load-start is being requested is when the browser's cache is cleared, or the first time the site loads. This will cause the problem where the two counts can differ greatly over time.

Try to make the browser think /client-load-start is a new script that needs to be downloaded. You can do this by adding query parameters to the src.

<script src='/client-load-start?<%- Date.now()%>=1'></script>

Every time the browser goes to /dashboard it'll attempt to download the new script because the query parameters have changed thus busting the cache.

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Ryan Marin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10

Ryan Marin