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Implementing Footnotes in Tridion



I was wondering if anyone has came up with a good solution for footnotes. I'm looking to implement footnotes within Tridion on a page that has multiple components and I want all footnotes to display at the bottom of the page with the correct footnote numbers that was generarted in the content section as well.


In the content

"orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur*1* adipiscing elit. Vivamus blandit, ligula pharetra laoreet porta, nibh augue*2* fringilla tellus, et aliquet quam lacus mattis risus. Praesent rutrum, leo eu ornare sagittis, tellus ante blandit arcu."

End of the page

1 footnote info

For example user will create component with content and that component will have component links to footnote component and at publish time it should collects all footnotes and render. It should match the numbers that are placed in the content itself.


like image 367
Levikay Avatar asked Oct 25 '12 16:10


1 Answers

One option could be using the linking which supports anchor tridion:anchor linking, also anchor linking is OOTB available from Tridion RTF.

Documentation around anchor links:



Other option, could be writing a custom TBB which process at the end of you page and generate the anchor tags. This approach may not work well if you have dynamic CTs as you could publish them independently.

like image 100
Ram G Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 14:10

Ram G