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Tridion New UI Preview Site is not reflecting with the changes unless pulished

I have new UI setup and noticing that when ever I update a page it is not refreshing with the updated changes. I do not see either the page_{sessionId/GUID}.aspx created either.

Checked the session preview DB and I see the changes in PAGE_CONTENT table with new rendered content, so seems like session preview is working fine but the Preview site is not able to get the changes and refresh the UI.

I have checked all the preview handlers and mappings for .aspx and made sure they are correct in web.config. Any thoughts on why the preview site not showing up the changes?

I have the session preview DB setup in cd_storage_conf.xml.

  <Bundle src="preview_dao_bundle.xml"/>
  <Wrapper Name="SessionWrapper">
    <Storage Type="persistence" Id="db-session-webservice" dialect="MSSQL"
      <Pool Type="jdbc" Size="5" MonitorInterval="60" 
            IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120" />
      <DataSource Class="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDataSource">
        <Property Name="serverName" Value="localhost" />
        <Property Name="portNumber" Value="1433" />
        <Property Name="databaseName" Value="Tridion_Broker_SessionPreview" />
        <Property Name="user" Value="usr" />
        <Property Name="password" Value="pwd" />

web.config (handlers):

<add verb="GET" path="*.htm" type="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Preview.Web.StaticFileHandler" />
<add verb="GET" path="*.jpg" type="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Preview.Web.StaticFileHandler" />
<add verb="GET" path="*.png" type="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Preview.Web.StaticFileHandler" />
<add verb="GET" path="*.html" type="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Preview.Web.StaticFileHandler" />
<add name="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Preview.Web.PreviewContentModule" type="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Preview.Web.PreviewContentModule" />

Log (timestamp and DEBUG prefix removed):

ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:session:id, value=tridion_db59279b-7d37-4b2e-ad98-eaaa6af7038e
ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:session:id, value=tridion_db59279b-7d37-4b2e-ad98-eaaa6af7038e
ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:tracking:id, value=tridion_d1fa1017-a28d-4f48-a790-b74f78c69314
ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:tracking:id, value=tridion_d1fa1017-a28d-4f48-a790-b74f78c69314
SearchClaimProcessor - No match found for referrer string http://uidemo.practice.com/en/Product/musk.aspx
SearchClaimProcessor - No match found for referrer string http://uidemo.practice.com/en/Product/musk.aspx
ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:claim:ambientdata:footprintcartridge:devicetype, value=Desktop
ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:claim:ambientdata:footprintcartridge:devicetype, value=Desktop
ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:claim:ambientdata:footprintcartridge:mobiledevice, value=NotMobile
ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:claim:ambientdata:footprintcartridge:acceptlanguage, value=en-US
ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:claim:ambientdata:footprintcartridge:mobiledevice, value=NotMobile
ClaimStore - put: uri=taf:claim:ambientdata:footprintcartridge:acceptlanguage, value=en-US
PageHandler - The session wrappers are correctly installed.

Any thoughts/pointers on what might be going wrong...? (sorry for the long post)

like image 434
Ram G Avatar asked Jun 29 '12 14:06

Ram G

2 Answers

After the "The session wrappers are correctly installed." message, once I make a change I get a LOT of feedback on my logs (in debug). This is the short version...

DEBUG PageHandler - The session wrappers are correctly installed.
DEBUG SessionManagerImpl - Retrieved the session on the current execution thread: PreviewSession [sessionId=db5c1e84-649f-4635-bbdd-fb6683e98b07, expirationDate=2012-06-29 12:31:24.65].
DEBUG PageHandler - The session db5c1e84-649f-4635-bbdd-fb6683e98b07 was found loaded!
DEBUG DynamicMetaRetriever - Searching for pageMeta for url='http://localhost:81/'.
DEBUG MetaResolverFactory - Fetching meta resolver for PAGE_META meta data type.
DEBUG MetaResolverFactory - Fetching meta resolver for PAGE_META meta data type.
DEBUG MappingsResolverImpl - Getting publication mapping for http://localhost:81/
DEBUG MappingsStrategyContext - Resolving url using strategy com.tridion.dynamiccontent.publication.mappingsstrategy.impl.StaticMappingsStrategy
DEBUG StaticMappingsStrategy - Resolving: http://localhost:81/
DEBUG ProtocolOptionMatcher - Mapped Protocol match with the url. Protocol is [http].
DEBUG ProtocolOptionMatcher - The calculated weight is [1].
DEBUG DomainOptionMatcher - The Domain extracted from the url is: [localhost]
DEBUG DomainOptionMatcher - The mapped Domain is: [localhost]
DEBUG DomainOptionMatcher - Mapped Domain match with the url. Mapped Domain is [localhost] and extracted Domain is [localhost].
DEBUG DomainOptionMatcher - The calculated weight is [10000].
DEBUG PortOptionMatcher - The Port extracted from the url is: [:81]
DEBUG PortOptionMatcher - The mapped Port is: [81]


DEBUG JPAPreviewSessionDAO - Retrieving PreviewSession by sessionId: db5c1e84-649f-4635-bbdd-fb6683e98b07


SessionManagerImpl - Retrieved the session on the current execution thread: PreviewSession [sessionId=db5c1e84-649f-4635-bbdd-fb6683e98b07, expirationDate=Fri Jun 29 12:31:25 EDT 2012].

And it then loads with the correct updates.

I don't see anything wrong with the config you posted, so here's my config for the cd_ambient_conf.xml;

<Configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" Version="6.1" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="schemas/cd_ambient_conf.xsd">
    <Cartridge File="cd_webservice_preview_cartridge.xml"/>
    <Cartridge File="footprint_cartridge_conf.xml"/>

and cd_dynamic_conf:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration Version="6.1"
                <Publication Id="5">
                    <Host Domain="localhost" Port="81" Protocol="http" Path=""/>
        <StorageMapping IdentifyPublicationByProperty="publicationUrl"/>
        <Renderer Class="com.tridion.tcdl.TCDLRenderer">
                <Property Name="prop1" Value="value1"/>
                <Property Name="prop2" Value="value2"/>

Hopefully this helps.


like image 135
Nuno Linhares Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 16:11

Nuno Linhares


Applying the new hotifx "CD_2011.1.1.81686" on preview application resolved the problem. Hotifx could be downloaded from https://www.sdltridionworld.com/downloads/hotfixes/SDL_Tridion_2011_SP1_1/index.aspx (login required)

like image 4
Ram G Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 14:11

Ram G