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Implementing a Release Schedule

The company I work for is trying to implement a release schedule and I want to get some constructive feedback from people that work in better structured environments than I am in.

We have one product that is finished and being used by several customers, but we have 4 additional products in the works - and actively being marketed as if they are finished. (Imagine that!)

We are a very small company working very quickly (and yes, sloppy at times) and with tight deadlines and tight budgets, so we don't have the luxury of written requirements, systematic QA process, etc. Basically the owners of the company come to the developers (3 of us) with ideas and we implement them. Then the subject matter experts test the features to make sure the app does what it is supposed to do.

I know that last paragraph opens me up to all kinds of "you can't do it this way" types of feedback, but I don't need that. I understand how wrong this approach is. At one point I was able to convice the owners to hire a project manager and a QA person, but after a short time both were laid off due to loss of revenue. We are where we are and there's no changing the culture at this point.

What I'm trying to do is manage expectations. We have a list of requested features a mile long and here's what I have proposed.

We will do quarterly releases to production of our finished products. The first release will be in October. Rather than trying to manage what will be done between now and then based on High/Medium/Low priorities, we will manage features based on what can and cannot be finished between now and September. At that point we will stop all feature development and focus on testing and fixing defects in order to get the product ready for release the following month. We'll repeat this process each quarter. Basically the steps will be like this:

1) Place all outstanding features into a future release based on how critical it is. 2) Work on these features during the quarter. 3) As new features are requested, place them into a "queue" for a particular release cycle. 4) If the feature has to go into the current release, then move other features to the next release. 5) At certain points during the cycle, evaluate which features may not get into the current release and adjust accordingly. 6) End development of features at least 30 days before scheduled push to production and focus on testing and bug fixing. 7) Push something to production on the scheduled date and then take the heat for not having everything finished that we agreed to in the beginning (hey, I'm being realistic...the people I work for aren't.)

Oh, also, if you plan to tell me to "get a new job" then don't bother answering. That's not an option at the moment.

If you have any advice regarding this proposed approach, or any links to resources that might help me better understand how to structure this process, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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DarLom Avatar asked Jun 09 '09 17:06


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1 Answers

Given the lack of project management, organization, etc - I think you're going to run into problems trying to force yourself into a quarterly (or any fixed date) release cycle. This will be especially true if you have any "large" features which will take more than the 2 months to develop that you're allowing for development time.

My suggestion would be to do a feature-based release cycle. Just make your queue of features, decide which ones you think you can reasonably do in a specific time frame. Implement those features, give yourself one month (or whatever) for testing, then release. Move to the next group of features. If it takes 2 months instead of 3, great. If it takes 4, that's fine too.

That being said, I'd focus on trying to make this shorter, not longer. Having more, smaller releases will actually help you in this case, especially since you don't have the formal procedures (and personnel) to handle QA, etc. Staying flexible will help you fix problems that will get into your releases...

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Reed Copsey Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10

Reed Copsey