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Cannot Delete App binary in ItunesConnect

I had submitted an version 2.0 of my app for review recently.
It got rejected by apple for a valid reason.
I made the changes and tried to upload a new binary with the same version say 2.0 But it wont upload it via Xcode saying an binary with version 2.0 already exists.
I couldn't find any way to remove the 2.0 rejected build from the Pre-Release tab.
I tried this
reject this binary in new itunes connect UI .
But this did not help either

Thanks in advance.

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Nitesh Avatar asked Sep 29 '14 08:09


1 Answers

You don't need to increase the version number. But increasing the build number should allow you to submit.

Note that this is in the "new" iTunes Connect. The idea being that you can have multiple versions being tested by different groups of people. The unused builds are removed when they expire (note that there's a date attached).

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Stephen Darlington Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Stephen Darlington