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Images in RSS feed



Whenever I see images in an RSS feed, they are embedded in CDATA, rather than surrounded by tags.

In my feed, I would like the images to show up without doing that.

Whether in the browser, or a feed reader (Bloglines) or through FeedBurner, the following structure does not show images, although it is valid RSS. Does anyone have experience with this?

<item> <category>Viewbook</category> <title>Widget</title> <description>Learn more about our widgets.</description> <link>http://www.widget.com/Default.aspx</link> <image> <url>http://www.widget.com/images/thumb.gif</url> <title>Widget</title> <link>http://www.widget.com/Default.aspx</link> <description>Learn more about our widgets.</description> </image> </item>  
like image 856
mmcglynn Avatar asked Jan 27 '09 14:01


People also ask

Do RSS feeds have images?

Now, while the content of your RSS feed may include images, the first image or featured image doesn't usually make it through to the feed readers.

What is included in RSS feed?

An RSS feed is a file that contains a summary of updates from a website, often in the form of a list of articles with links. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and it offers an easy way to stay up to date on new content from websites you care about.

1 Answers

On Colonol Sponsz' hint, I researched:

There's no image tag for items, only for the channel. So you have to do it via the CDATA tag.

like image 169
guerda Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10
