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Image Asset versus Vector Asset


When it comes to adding an icon to my app, there're two main options:


What are the differences between the Image Asset and Vector Asset? What makes them different?

like image 743
Ian Gallegos Avatar asked Jun 04 '17 17:06

Ian Gallegos

1 Answers

According to Android User Guide :

Image Asset Studio helps you create various types of icons at different densities and shows you exactly where they'll be placed in your project. It includes tools for adjusting your icons and adding backdrops, all while displaying the result in a preview pane, so they appear exactly as you intended.

Vector Asset Studio adds a vector graphic to the project as an XML file that describes the image. Maintaining one XML file can be easier than updating multiple raster graphics at various resolutions.

like image 61
Abhishek Aryan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10

Abhishek Aryan