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Identifying that a property's value is an array





I have a JSON file:

   "business_structure":"Private Company",
   "main_name":"Brickworks Building Products Pty Ltd",
   "other_trading_names":"Austral Bricks",
         "name":"John Smith",
         "address_line_1":"123 Fake Street",
         "address_line_state":"New South Wales",


I want to determine if the value of any property has a structure of an array. The best I can come up with so far is:

StreamReader streamrr = new StreamReader("C:\\temp\\agfarm_example_udate.json", Encoding.UTF8);

string JSON = streamrr.ReadToEnd();

JObject CWFile = JObject.Parse(JSON);
foreach (JProperty property in CWFile.Properties())
    // Do something

    if (property.Value.ToString().Contains("["))
        // Do something with the array
        JArray items = (JArray)CWFile[property.Name];

        foreach (JObject o in items.Children<JObject>())
            foreach (JProperty p in o.Properties())
               // Do something

To determine whether or not a property value has an array, I used the condition:

if (property.Value.ToString().Contains("["))

I'm just wondering if there is a better way of doing this check?

like image 879
Stanza Avatar asked Jan 20 '15 00:01


1 Answers

One way to do this is to check the JToken.Type property. Arrays are of type JTokenType.Array:

if (property.Value.Type == JTokenType.Array)
    var items = (JArray)property.Value;

    // Proceed as before.

Or, you can just try to cast to JArray:

if (property.Value is JArray)
    var items = (JArray)property.Value;

    // Proceed as before.

Both are preferable to checking property.Value.ToString().Contains("[") since a nested property might have an array value, thus causing a bracket to appear somewhere in the ToString() return.

If you want to recursively find every property with an array value, you can introduce an extension method:

public static class JsonExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<JToken> WalkTokens(this JToken node)
        if (node == null)
            yield break;
        yield return node;
        foreach (var child in node.Children())
            foreach (var childNode in child.WalkTokens())
                yield return childNode;

And then do:

var CWFile = JToken.Parse(JSON)
var arrayProperties = CWFile.WalkTokens().OfType<JProperty>().Where(prop => prop.Value.Type == JTokenType.Array);
like image 153
dbc Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
