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iAd error "Ad inventory unavailable"





I'm adding iAd to my app. Now, in simulator, it works well but when I load it on a device (v4.1) the ADBannerViewDelegate calls bannerView:didFailToReceiveAdWithError: with this description on the error.userInfo

    ADInternalErrorCode = 3;
    NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Ad inventory unavailable";

I think my iAd Network setup is correct. Have I to add an ad by myself or iAd Network automatically sends test ads as in simulator?

EDIT: I think it was a latency problem of the iAd Network server that dispatches the ads. I suppose that when the network had ads for my app it began to work fine.

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emenegro Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 18:09


1 Answers

if you running with a development certificate you will only get test ads even when running on a device. From the iAd Programming Guide:

While you are developing your application, iAd Network sends test advertisements to your application. To assist you in validating your implementation, the iAd Network occasionally returns errors to test your error handling code. You can also test your error handling support by turning your device’s wireless capability off.

So you should see the test Ad on the device but you will never see a real live ad.

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kharrison Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
