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HTML5/jQuery metronome - performance problems

As mentioned in the title I'm trying to create a jQuery/JavaScript based metronome along with the HTML <audio /> tag to play the sound.

It works "okay", but it seems to me the setInterval method is not working accurately enough. I searched some threads here, but for I am new to both jQuery and JavaScript and I haven't found a working solution. Same for the "open new tab and setInterval stops or lags" - problem. I tried to prevent that with stop(true,true) but it didn't work as I expected.

I want the metronome to run "in background" without changing tempo when opening a new tab and doing something there. Also I want an exact metronome for sure ;)

Here's my testing environment located: http://nie-wieder.net/metronom/test.html

At the moment, JS-Code and HTML-markup are all in the test.html source, so you can look there.

Also, here's the concerned (as I think) js-code I use:

$(document).ready(function() {

    var intervalReference   = 0;
    var currentCount        = 1;      
    var countIncrement      = .5;      
    var smin = 10;
    var smax =240;
    var svalue = 120;

    $(".sndchck").attr("disabled", true);

    //preload sound
        url: "snd/tick.ogg",
        success: function() {

    // tick event
    var met = $("#bpm").slider({
            value: 120,
            min: smin,
            max: smax,
            step: 1,
            change: function( event, ui ) {
                var delay = (1000*60/ui.value)/2

                //seems to be the Problem for me
                intervalReference = setInterval(function(){
                    var $cur_sd = $('#sub_div_'+currentCount);
                    .animate({opacity: 1},15,
                                function() {
                                //Play HTML5 Sound
                    currentCount += countIncrement;
                    if(currentCount > 4.5) currentCount = 1
                }, delay);

Any help would be great, I'm out of ideas for now.

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Dominik Avatar asked Apr 18 '12 14:04


2 Answers

setInterval is not accurate. what you can try doing is something like:

var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
function run() {

     var now = (new Date()).getTime();

     if( now - timestamp >= 1000 ) {
         console.log( 'tick' );
         timestamp = now;

     setTimeout(run, 10);

This will (every hundredth of a second) compare the 'timestamp' with the current time to see if the diff is a second or more (deviation is 0.01 seconds) and if it is logs 'tick' and resets the current timestamp.


This is the best approach to something that needs to be time accurate (imo).

Update: if you change the setTimeout time setting... you get less deviation. http://jsfiddle.net/rlemon/UqbwT/1/

Second update: After reviewing this post I thought there must be a more accurate way to use timers in javascript.. so with a bit of research I came acrossed this article. I do suggest you read it.

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rlemon Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 04:11


After trying to coax requestAnimationFrame and setTimeout into accurate timing for a drum machine app and failing (a 3 year old could keep better tempo than my code), I gave up and switched to the Web Audio API and it instantly provided accurate audio timing for my purposes.

Here's a minimal example:

const scheduleBeep = time => {
  const osc = audioContext.createOscillator();
  osc.frequency.value = 300;
  osc.stop(time + 0.1);

window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
const audioContext = new AudioContext();
let timeBetweenSteps = 60 / 120;
let nextStepTime;
let interval;
const lookahead = 0.1;
const timeoutDelay = 30;

const schedule = () => {
  while (nextStepTime < audioContext.currentTime + lookahead) {
    nextStepTime += timeBetweenSteps;
  .addEventListener("click", evt => {

    if (evt.target.textContent === "Run") {
      evt.target.textContent = "Stop";
      nextStepTime = audioContext.currentTime;
      interval = setInterval(schedule, timeoutDelay);
    else {
      evt.target.textContent = "Run";

And a slightly more involved example that adds a sound file and a BPM slider:

<form class="metronome">
  <button class="run">Run</button>
  <input class="bpm" type="range" min="60" max="500" value="120">
  <span class="bpm-readout">120</span>


const url = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e5/Abadie.jo-Marteau-1.ogg";

const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
const metroEls = {
  run: $(".metronome .run"),
  bpm: $(".metronome .bpm"),
  bpmReadout: $(".metronome .bpm-readout"),

window.AudioContext = 
  window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext
const audioContext = new AudioContext();

(async () => {
  const response = await fetch(url);
  const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
  const audioBuffer = await audioContext

  const scheduleSample = time => {
    const source = audioContext.createBufferSource();
    source.buffer = audioBuffer;

  let timeBetweenSteps = 60 / 120;
  let nextStepTime;
  let interval;
  const lookahead = 0.1;
  const timeoutDelay = 30;

  const schedule = () => {
    while (nextStepTime < 
             audioContext.currentTime + lookahead) {
      nextStepTime += timeBetweenSteps;
  metroEls.run.addEventListener("click", () => {
    if (metroEls.run.textContent === "Run") {
      metroEls.run.textContent = "Stop";
      nextStepTime = audioContext.currentTime;
      interval = setInterval(schedule, timeoutDelay);
    else {
      metroEls.run.textContent = "Run";
  metroEls.bpm.addEventListener("change", e => {
    timeBetweenSteps = 60 / e.target.value;
    metroEls.bpmReadout.innerText = e.target.value;


Useful resources:

  • Paul Adenot: A robust metronome using the Web Audio API
  • Monica Dinculescu: Metronomes in JavaScript
  • Chris Wilson: Scheduling Web Audio with Precision
  • MDN web audio API examples
  • MDN Web audio API advanced techniques
  • Amila Welihinda's Vue drum machine
  • Aqilah Misuary: Understanding The Web Audio Clock
  • SitePoint CodePen: Playing an MP3 file with the Web Audio API
  • Tone.js is a library based on the Web Audio API that includes convenient looping abstactions.
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ggorlen Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 04:11
