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HOWTO Export/Import custom code snippets in XCode 6

Is there a way how to export the custom code snippets from XCode 6 and then import it to the XCode 6 of another user?

The snippets are now in one XML file: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IDEKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SystemCodeSnippets.codesnippets Thanks

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Martin Pilch Avatar asked Nov 25 '14 11:11

Martin Pilch

People also ask

Where are Xcode snippets stored?

User's code snippets are saved in '~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets' in the form of xml documents with 'codesnippet' extension.

How to add snippets in Xcode?

The only way to create a snippet in the current version of Xcode (11.3) is: Highlight the code you want to make a snippet. Right-click, then select Create Code Snippet or select Editor Menu > Create Code Snippet.

How do I import a snippet?

You can import a snippet to your Visual Studio installation by using the Code Snippets Manager. Open it by choosing Tools > Code Snippets Manager. Click the Import button.

What is snippet in Xcode?

Whenever you find some useful code that you can reuse in xcode, do create a code snippet. Code snippets appear towards the right bottom corner of xcode (under the utilities section). code snippets. There are so many pre defined code snippets in xcode.

1 Answers

In Xcode 7.3.1, my snippets have been created in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets. It looks like you may be in the wrong directory. Put your codes snippets in this directory instead.

On a side note, you can find my code snippets here: XcodeSnippets GitHub

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Jacob F. Davis C-CISO Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11

Jacob F. Davis C-CISO