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Parse/Parse.h file not found after update with Cocoapods

I tried everything I could imagine to fix this issue... Please help!

After updating to Xcode 6.4 and Parse SDK 1.7.5 I'm getting build error:

"Parse/Parse.h file not found"

Here's my Podfile:

target 'TV Admin' do
   pod 'RETableViewManager', '~> 1.6'
   pod 'SDNetworkActivityIndicator'
   pod 'Motif'
   pod 'Parse', '~> 1.7' 

All Cocoapods dependencies except Parse are working great. Here's .xcworkspace view: enter image description here

I'm using Cocoapods 0.38.0.beta.2


like image 751
oleynikd Avatar asked Jul 09 '15 23:07


1 Answers

I ran into this issue after updating XCode to 6.4 today. Taking a look at the Search Frameworks showed that they were empty after the XCode update. So change the Framework Search Paths in Project -> Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths and Add $(SRCROOT) (recursive) That fixed it for me.

like image 106
hackamanshu Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
