I was working on a Rails template and was trying to write a bit of code that allows me to populate a table or multiple columns of ul tags "top-to-bottom" and "left-to-right" across however many columns I specify. I'm just getting the hang of Ruby so I couldn't figure this out. I'm also curious about an idiomatic Haskell version for this useful snippet. Improvements to Clojure version appreciated:
(defn table [xs & {:keys [cols direction]
:or {cols 1 direction 'right}}]
(into []
(condp = direction
'down (let [c (count xs)
q (int (/ c cols))
n (if (> (mod c q) 0) (inc q) q)]
(apply map vector (partition n n (repeat nil) xs)))
'right (map vec (partition cols cols (repeat nil) xs)))))
With this bit of code I can then do the following:
(table (range 10) :cols 3)
Printed out this would look like so:
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
And the trickier one:
(table (range 10) :cols 3 :direction 'down)
Looks like so:
0 4 8
1 5 9
2 6
3 7
I would probably write something like this in Haskell, using the Data.List.Split
package from Hackage:
import Data.List (intercalate, transpose)
import Data.List.Split (splitEvery)
data Direction = Horizontal | Vertical deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
table :: Direction -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
table Horizontal cols xs = splitEvery cols xs
table Vertical cols xs = let (q,r) = length xs `divMod` cols
q' = if r == 0 then q else q+1
in transpose $ table Horizontal q' xs
showTable :: Show a => [[a]] -> String
showTable = intercalate "\n" . map (intercalate "\t" . map show)
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ putStrLn [ showTable $ table Horizontal 3 [0..9]
, "---"
, showTable $ table Vertical 3 [0..9] ]
Some of this, like the Direction
type and the transpose
trick, was derived from jkramer's answer. I wouldn't use keyword arguments for something like this in Haskell (it doesn't really have such things, but you can emulate them using records as in Edward Kmett's answer), but I put those arguments first because it's more useful with partial application (defaultTable = table Horizontal 1
). The splitEvery
function just chunks a list into lists of the appropriate size; the rest of the code should be straightforward. The table
function returns a list of lists; to get a string, the showTable
function inserts tabs and newlines. (The intercalate
function concatenates a list of lists, separating them with the given list. It's analogous to Perl/Python/Ruby's join
, only for lists instead of just strings.)
I can't read the clojure code (I've never used the language), but based on the examples, here's how I'd do it in Ruby.
def table array, cols, direction
if direction==:down
if array.size%cols != 0
#putting nil in the last space in the array
#also fills all of the spaces before it
table newarray.transpose.flatten(1), cols, :across
elsif direction==:across
array.each_slice(cols) do |row|
puts row.join(" ")
raise ArgumentError
Here is something I quickly hacked in Haskell. I'm sure it's buggy and can be optimized, but it's something to start with:
import System.IO
import Data.List
data Direction = Horizontal | Vertical
main = do
putStrLn $ table [1..9] 3 Horizontal
putStrLn "---"
putStrLn $ table [1..9] 3 Vertical
table xs ncol direction =
case direction of
Horizontal -> format (rows strings ncol)
Vertical -> format (columns strings ncol)
format = intercalate "\n" . map (intercalate " ")
strings = map show xs
rows xs ncol =
if length xs > ncol
then take ncol xs : rows (drop ncol xs) ncol
else [xs]
columns xs = transpose . rows xs
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
My ruby solution
def table(values)
elements = values[:elements]
cols = values[:cols]
rows = (elements.count / cols.to_f).ceil
erg = []
rows.times do |i|
cols.times do |j|
erg << elements[values[:direction] == 'down' ? i+(rows*j) : j+i*(rows-1)]
if erg.length == cols
yield erg
erg = []
yield erg
Usage and output:
table(:elements => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], :cols => 3) do |h,i,j|
puts h.to_s << " " << i.to_s << " " << j.to_s
puts "---"
table(:elements => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], :cols => 3, :direction => "down") do |h,i,j|
puts h.to_s << " " << i.to_s << " " << j.to_s
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
0 4 8
1 5 9
2 6
3 7
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