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ruby - get name of class from class method

I am trying to get the name of the class from within a static method within the class:

class A
  def self.get_class_name

Though this returns Class instead of A. Any thoughts on how do I get A instead?

Eventually I also want to have a class B that inherits from A that will use the same method and will return B when called.

The reason I am doing this is because I have another object under this domain eventually: A::SomeOtherClass which I want to use using the result I receive.

like image 878
Dan Benjamin Avatar asked Jul 06 '15 13:07

Dan Benjamin

1 Answers

Remove .class:

class A
  def self.get_class_name

self in a context of a class (rather than the context of an instance method) refers to the class itself.

This is why you write def self.get_class_name to define a class method. This means add method get_class_name to self (aka A). It is equivalent to def A.get_class_method.

It is also why when you tried self.class.name you got Class - the Object#class of A is Class.

To make this clearer, consider the output of:

class A
  puts "Outside: #{self}"

  def self.some_class_method
    puts "Inside class method: #{self}"

  def some_instance_method
    puts "Inside instance method: #{self}"


Which is:

Outside: A
Inside class method: A
Inside instance method: #<A:0x218c8b0>
like image 76
ndnenkov Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
