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How to write JPA query with boolean condition

In my project i am using JPA 2.0 with eclipselink inplementation, an I have following problem:

I have defined entity with boolean column:

@Entity public User {      @Id     @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)     @Column(name="USR_ID")     private Short id;      @Column(name="USR_NAME")     private String name;      @Column(name="USR_ACTIVE")     private boolean active;      .......  } 

I want to create query which will return all active users, something like this:

select u from User u where u.active = TRUE;

But if I use that query I got exception that boolean can't be cast to Short (column in database is stored as smallint). Is there any correct way how to write this query?


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Rado Skrib Avatar asked Jun 06 '11 11:06

Rado Skrib

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1 Answers

Use the following form:

SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.active = TRUE 

See the docs for more info.

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YUIOP QWERT Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09