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CriteriaBuilder.and & CriteriaBuilder.or, how-to?

I'm trying to change the following HQL to use JPA Criteria:

select distinct d from Department d 
left join fetch d.children c 
where d.parent is null 
and (
    d.name like :term 
    or c.name like :term
order by d.name

Department has a Set<Department> of children.


CriteriaBuilder cb = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Department> c = cb.createQuery(Department.class);
Root<Department> root = c.from(Department.class);
root.fetch("children", JoinType.LEFT);
Path<Department> children = root.join("children", JoinType.LEFT);
String param = "%" + "term" + "%";
cb.and(cb.like(root.<String> get("name"), param));
cb.or(cb.like(children.<String> get("name"), param));

TypedQuery<Department> tq = getEntityManager().createQuery(c);
departments = tq.getResultList();

I know it can be a bit terse, however, the HQL returns 24 and Criteria version 28. I think I'm not handling:

and (x = y OR z = y)

correctly. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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kmansoor Avatar asked Aug 05 '13 23:08


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1 Answers

Here's the where clause of your JPQL query:

where d.parent is null 
and (
    d.name like :term 
    or c.name like :term

The where clause contains two predicates:

d.parent is null 


(d.name like :term 
 or c.name like :term)

The second predicate is an or containing two predicates:

d.name like :term


c.name like :term

So you need the same structure in your criteria query:

Predicate orClause = 
    cb.or(cb.like(root.<String>get("name"), param),
          cb.like(children.<String>get("name"), param));

like image 165
JB Nizet Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 01:10

JB Nizet