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How to write a comment with Emmet plugin in Sublime?

Im using sublime 2 with Emmet plugin. Is there a way to write a comment with speed coding that would produce me something like that:

<div class="container">
   Lorem ipsum
</div> <!-- custom comment -->

I've tried


And it's not working.

Is it possible to add comments to each div or element created via speed coding snippets?

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Menci Avatar asked Sep 08 '13 18:09


3 Answers

You can write quick comand c+tab for simple comment or you can write in this form c{my comment}+tab to add text into de comment tags

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Endika Llonin Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Endika Llonin

Use filters:


Reference: http://docs.emmet.io/filters/

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Jorge Cedi Medina Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Jorge Cedi Medina

c>{some comment} will give you a comment with text "some comment" in it.

To have a comment after a div, you can use the following:

div.container+c{custom comment}

enter image description here

If you also want to have some text inside the div, you can use the following:

div.container{Hello World}+c>{custom comment}

enter image description here

If you want to have something after the comment, you need to group it using brackets as shown below:

div.container{Hello World}+(c>{custom comment})+div#nav

enter image description here

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Anonymous Panda Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10

Anonymous Panda