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How to wait for an event in Emacs Lisp function?





I'm trying to write the simplest function: send a query to w3m browser and then find a particular place on the webpage:

(defun w3m-define-word (word)
  (interactive "sDefine: ")
  (progn (w3m-search "Dictionary" word)
         (set-window-start nil (search-forward "Search Results"))))

What is wrong here is that w3m-search does not wait until page reloads and set-window-start executes on the older page. Then the page reloads and places a cursor at the beginning of the buffer.

(sleep-for ..) between w3m-search and set-window-start helps, but since loading time is arbitrary, it is not very convenient.

How can I rewrite this function, so it would wait until buffer reloads and only then do the rest?

like image 949
Anton Tarasenko Avatar asked Sep 17 '11 22:09

Anton Tarasenko

2 Answers

The way to accomplish this in elisp is using hooks. So you'd need to see if w3m calls a hook when the page is loaded. If so then you can register a hook function for that hook that does what you want.

It looks like C-h v w3m-display-hook RET is what you're looking for. Here's a good example to start from.

like image 159
Ross Patterson Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Ross Patterson

Just in case if anyone has same ideas, that's what I have ended up with thanks to Ross:

(defun w3m-goto-on-load (url)
  "Go to a position after page has been loaded."
    ((string-match "domain" url)
        (set-window-start nil (search-forward "Search" nil t) nil)))
    (t nil)))
(add-hook 'w3m-display-hook 'w3m-goto-on-load)

where "domain" is a keyword in URL to match and "Search" is the unique string to jump to. Certainly, search-forward can be replaced with re-search-forward, if more flexible search is required.

like image 41
Anton Tarasenko Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Anton Tarasenko