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how to user year() and month() functions in NH Criteria API?

I need to use year() and month() functions in Criteria API to be able to express a business filter constrain. Expressions like

cri.Add(Expression.Ge("year(Duration.DateFrom)", Year.Value));
cri.Add(Expression.Le("year(Duration.DateTo)", Year.Value));

obviously do not work - is there any solution how to achieve this?

I know it's entirely possible in HQL, but I need to construct the query using criteria API because there're some additional processes processing the query adding sorting, paging etc..

sample HQL solution which I'd like to rewrite to Criteria API:

var ym = year * 100 + month;
var hql = ...(:ym between 100 * year(f.Duration.DateFrom) + month(f.Duration.DateFrom) and 100 * year(f.Duration.DateTo) + month(f.Duration.DateTo)";
like image 889
Buthrakaur Avatar asked Apr 27 '09 11:04


3 Answers

It's possible to achieve this using Projections.SQLFunction. Working solution:

ISQLFunction sqlAdd = new VarArgsSQLFunction("(", "+", ")");
ISQLFunction sqlMultiply = new VarArgsSQLFunction("(", "*", ")");

var ym = Year.Value * 100 + Month.Value;
var dateFromMonthProj = Projections.SqlFunction("month", NHibernateUtil.Int32, Projections.Property("PurchaseDuration.DateFrom"));
var dateFromYearProj = Projections.SqlFunction("year", NHibernateUtil.Int32, Projections.Property("PurchaseDuration.DateFrom"));
var dateToMonthProj = Projections.SqlFunction("month", NHibernateUtil.Int32, Projections.Property("PurchaseDuration.DateTo"));
var dateToYearProj = Projections.SqlFunction("year", NHibernateUtil.Int32, Projections.Property("PurchaseDuration.DateTo"));
var calculatedYMFrom = Projections.SqlFunction(sqlAdd, NHibernateUtil.Int32, Projections.SqlFunction(sqlMultiply, NHibernateUtil.Int32, dateFromYearProj, Projections.Constant(100)), dateFromMonthProj);
var calculatedYMTo = Projections.SqlFunction(sqlAdd, NHibernateUtil.Int32, Projections.SqlFunction(sqlMultiply, NHibernateUtil.Int32, dateToYearProj, Projections.Constant(100)), dateToMonthProj);
cri.Add(Restrictions.Le(calculatedYMFrom, ym));
cri.Add(Restrictions.Ge(calculatedYMTo, ym));
like image 113
Buthrakaur Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 03:11


Would something like this work for you?

cri.Add(Expression.Ge("Duration.DateFrom", new Date(fromYear, 1, 1));
cri.Add(Expression.Le("Duration.DateTo", new Date(toYear, 12, 31));

Note that I changed your expression order -- I'm assuming you made a typo and you want to query for dates between DateFrom and DateTo. If the dates contain time data, the second expression would change to:

cri.Add(Expression.Lt("Duration.DateTo", new Date(toYear + 1, 1, 1));

In response to comment:

cri.Add(Expression.Ge("Duration.DateFrom", new Date(fromYear, fromMonth, 1));
// Actual code needs to get last day of to month since it will not always be 31
cri.Add(Expression.Le("Duration.DateTo", new Date(toYear, toMonth, 31));

Is your user input in the form "YYMM"? If that's the case, then you just have to parse out year and month from that string to create fromYear, fromMonth, etc.

Edit: my 3rd and final attempt:

// First parse the input, e.g: september 2009 into 9 (inMonth) and 2009 (inYear)
var fromDate = new DateTime(inYear, inMonth, 1);
var toDate = fromDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

cri.Add(Expression.Ge("Duration.DateFrom", fromDate));
cri.Add(Expression.Le("Duration.DateTo", toDate));
like image 27
Jamie Ide Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 05:11

Jamie Ide

I'm not sure I understod what you mean with your question but I had a similar question, and I solved the problem with:

crit.Add(Expression.Sql("(YEAR({alias}.ObsDatum) = ?)", year, NHibernateUtil.String))
crit.Add(Expression.Sql("(MONTH({alias}.ObsDatum) = ?)", manad, NHibernateUtil.Int32))
like image 43
Mats Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 04:11
