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Checking the Intersection of Two Collections via HQL

I have an class which has a collection, mapped as a bag in my nHibernate mapping file for that class, and I wish to return all instances of that class whose collection has a one or more of the objects which I pass in.


My Parent Class is called DocumentDefinition. It has a collection of Roles, which is a nHibernate entity, that the document can be accessed by. These two are connected via a Many-To-Many mapping. I want to pass the query a collection of roles and return all DocumentDefinition instances which have one or more of one of those roles passed in.

Mapping on Parent class, DocumentDefinition:

 <bag name="AllowedRoles" table="Many-To-Many Table" lazy="false">
      <key column="ParentDefinition" /> //Column from Many-To-Many Table
      <many-to-many class="MyRolesClass" column="ParentRole" /> //Column from Many-To-Many Table

Example of what I have tried so far:

Select distinct d from DocumentDefinition d, MyRolesClass r where r in :roles and r in elements(d.Group)

Roles being the collection I wish to pass in.

So how do I do a query to return DocumentDefinitions where r (Roles Class) is in both the parameter list passed in and the collection on the DocumentDefinition object.

Hope that's clear! Cheers!

like image 842
Damien Avatar asked Jun 21 '10 08:06


1 Answers

You were very close... the query should be:

select distinct d
from DocumentDefinition d, MyRolesClass r
where r in (:roles) and r in elements(d.AllowedRoles)

And you send the desired roles using .SetParameterList("roles", collectionOfRoles).

BTW, I changed the collection name which didn't match the mapping you posted.

One more thing to consider: lazy="false" is almost always a bad idea for collections.

like image 76
Diego Mijelshon Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Diego Mijelshon