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How to use while read line with tail -n

Problem: I have a CSV dump file - with excess of 250,000 lines. When I use while read - it takes a while (no pun intended). I would like to go back to the last 10,000 lines to do what I need to do instead of the 250,000 lines.

Code Snippet: My current code is this:

while read line

    awk_var=`echo "$line" | awk -F" " '{print $0}'`


    read -a var_array <<< "${awk_var}"

    echo "${var_array[1]}"

done </some_directory/directory/file_in_question.csv

Question: How can I use tail -n10000 with while read line when reading the file_in_question.csv with a bash script?

like image 890
3kstc Avatar asked Feb 08 '23 15:02


1 Answers


done </some_directory/directory/file_in_question.csv


done < <(tail -n10000 /some_directory/directory/file_in_question.csv)

The <(...) construct is called process substitution. It creates a file-like object that bash can read from. Thus, this replaces reading from some_directory/directory/file_in_question.csv directly with reading from tail -n10000 /some_directory/directory/file_in_question.csv.

Using process substitution like this allows you to keep your while loop in the main shell, not a subshell. Because of this, variables that you create in the while loop will retain their value after the loop exits.

Speeding up the original code

The code as shown prints the second column of a CSV file. If that is all that the code is supposed to do, then it can be replaced with:

awk -F, '{print $2}' /some_directory/directory/file_in_question.csv
like image 150
John1024 Avatar answered Feb 21 '23 09:02
