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How to hard reset from one git branch to other in JGit?






I have two branches one is master and another one level1. Now level1 is the latest I need to hard reset master to level1 normally in git bash I can do that by following command.

$ git checkout master
$ git tag old-master-branch 
$ git reset --hard level1
$ git merge -s ours origin/master 
$ git push origin master

This one works fine for me. My question is how can I achieve it by using JGit. I have tried it. But I am not able to figure out how to set the source and target branch.

consider a scenario I have cloned a master branch

 Git git = Git.cloneRepository().setURI(remote).setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider("obuli", "xxxxxx")).setDirectory(gitPath)                    .setNoCheckout(true).call();

Now I need to hard reset it to the level1.


But here I am not specifying level1 . I dont know how to specify it. and also please say how to provide git merge -s ours origin/master in JGit

like image 243
Obuli Sundar Avatar asked Feb 09 '23 23:02

Obuli Sundar

1 Answers

By default the ResetCommand resets to HEAD. To reset to another branch, you need to specify this branch with setRef().

For example:


The above command will let the current branch point to the latest commit of level1 and checkout its state into the work directory .

like image 98
Rüdiger Herrmann Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 12:02

Rüdiger Herrmann