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How to use vector representation of words (as obtained from Word2Vec,etc) as features for a classifier?

I am familiar with using BOW features for text classification, wherein we first find the size of the vocabulary for the corpus which becomes the size of our feature vector. For each sentence/document, and for all its constituent words, we then put 0/1 depending on the absence/presence of that word in that sentence/document.

However, now that I am trying to use vector representation of each word, is creating a global vocabulary essential?

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Satarupa Guha Avatar asked Oct 26 '14 03:10

Satarupa Guha

1 Answers

Suppose the size of the vectors is N (usually between 50 or 500). The naive way of generalizing the traditional of generalizing BOW is just replacing 0 bit (in BOW) with N zeros, and replacing 1 bit (in BOW) with the the real vector (say from Word2Vec). Then the size of the features would be N * |V| (Compared to |V| feature vectors in the BOW, where |V| is the size of the vocabs). This simple generalization should work fine for decent number of training instances.

To make the feature vectors smaller, people use various techniques like using recursive combination of vectors with various operations. (See Recursive/Recurrent Neural Network and similar tricks, for example: http://web.engr.illinois.edu/~khashab2/files/2013_RNN.pdf or http://papers.nips.cc/paper/4204-dynamic-pooling-and-unfolding-recursive-autoencoders-for-paraphrase-detection.pdf )

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Daniel Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 09:11
