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How to use the WebClient.DownloadDataAsync() method in this context?

My plan is to have a user write down a movie title in my program and my program will pull the appropiate information asynchronously so the UI doesn't freeze up.

Here's the code:

public class IMDB
        WebClient WebClientX = new WebClient();
        byte[] Buffer = null;

        public string[] SearchForMovie(string SearchParameter)
            //Format the search parameter so it forms a valid IMDB *SEARCH* url.
            //From within the search website we're going to pull the actual movie
            string sitesearchURL = FindURL(SearchParameter);

            //Have a method download asynchronously the ENTIRE source code of the
            //IMDB *search* website.
            Buffer = WebClientX.DownloadDataAsync(sitesearchURL);

            //Pass the IMDB source code to method findInformation().

            //string [] lol = findInformation();



            string[] lol = null;
            return lol;

My actual problem lies in the WebClientX.DownloadDataAsync() method. I can't use a string URL for it. How can I use that built in function to download the bytes of the site (for later use I will convert this to string, I know how to do this) and without freezing up my GUI?

Perhaps a clear cut example of the DownloadDataAsync so I can learn how to use it?

Thanks SO, you're always such a great resource.

like image 536
Sergio Tapia Avatar asked Oct 18 '09 20:10

Sergio Tapia

1 Answers

There is a newer DownloadDataTaskAsync method that allows you to await the result. It is simpler to read and easier to wire up by far. I'd use that...

var client = new WebClient();

var data = await client.DownloadDataTaskAsync(new Uri(imageUrl));

await outstream.WriteAsync(data, 0, data.Length);
like image 119
Bill Forney Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09

Bill Forney