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C# Process Killing

I need to write a program in c# that would just start, kill one process\exe that it is supposed to kill and end itself.

The process I need to kill is another C# application so it is a local user process and I know the path to the exe.

like image 764
Moon Avatar asked Feb 10 '10 14:02


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2 Answers

Check out Process.GetProcessesByName and Process.Kill

// Get all instances of Notepad running on the local
// computer.
Process [] localByName = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad");
foreach(Process p in localByName)
like image 115
SwDevMan81 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09


First search all processes for the process you want to kill, than kill it.

Process[] runningProcesses = Process.GetProcesses();
foreach (Process process in runningProcesses)
    // now check the modules of the process
    foreach (ProcessModule module in process.Modules)
        if (module.FileName.Equals("MyProcess.exe"))
like image 33
Simon Linder Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09

Simon Linder