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How to use several aggregate functions at once in Rails/ActiveRecord?

I want to do several aggregate functions at once, eg to get the max and min id's grouped by status:


This doesnt work (at least with Rails 3.1.1) - you get an error on the minimum call, saying its not defined on Fixnum.

NoMethodError: undefined method `minimum' for 22377:Fixnum

I could do raw sql for it - but just wondering if there is a higher level/Rails option...

Thanks, Chris

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Chris Kimpton Avatar asked Nov 11 '11 21:11

Chris Kimpton

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2 Answers

I've had a similar issue which I solved using group with pluck in Rails 4. E.g.


Also works with having, order etc and with computed columns.

Model.group('CAST(created_at AS Date), EXTRACT(HOUR FROM created_at), floor(EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM created_at)/15) * 15')
     .having('count(id) > 10')


like image 95
Andrew Pietsch Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10

Andrew Pietsch

I believe @topek is right that you can't chain the calculation functions like this. I think you'll have to use SQL in a select predicate, e.g.:

Model.select('MAX(id) AS `maximum`, MIN(id) AS `minimum`').group(:status)

I just tested this in a project of my own and it appears to work as expected.

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Jordan Running Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Jordan Running