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How do you make a case for Django [or Ruby on Rails] to non-technical clients [closed]

Businessmen typically want a web application developed. They are aware of .net or J2EE by names, without much knowledge about either.

Altho' Rails and Django offer for a much better and faster development stack, it is a big task to convince businessmen to use these platforms.

The task begins with introducing Django (or Rails), quoting some blog/research. Then making a case for the use of the framework for the specific project.

Lot of the task is repetitive. What are the sources/blogs/whitepapers and other materials you use to make a case for django (or Rails)

Don't you think there should be a common brochure developed that many development agencies could use to make the same case, over and again. Are there any such ones, now?

There seems to be enough discussion on Django vs Rails. Whereas the need is (Django and Rails) vs (.net and J2EE), at least so, while making a business case. Both represent a faster pragmatic web development in a dynamic language.

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lprsd Avatar asked Mar 13 '09 19:03


People also ask

Should I use Ruby on Rails or Django?

If your project requires a simple web application, Ruby on Rails is right for you. Django, on the other hand, is better for large enterprises that require handling multiple databases and a more standardized, large-scale web application.

Is Django easier than Ruby on Rails?

Both Ruby on Rails and Django offer a high degree of scalability. However, once again, Ruby on Rails slightly outperforms Django in terms of scalability. Django is built on Python, which is a very scalable programming language, but Ruby on Rails has the edge in scalability thanks to its flexible code.

Is Ruby on Rails better than Python?

Ruby on Rails or Python? Whether you select Python or Ruby on Rails, both are exceptional programming languages for web development with proficient procedures and a vast community. Python must be preferred where big data is included. While Ruby on Rails works great with high-traffic applications.

3 Answers

It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

First, build the initial release in Django. Quickly. Build the model well (really well!). But use as much default admin functionality as you can.

Spend time only only reporting and display pages where the HTML might actually matter to the presentation.

Show this and they'll only want more. Once they've gotten addicted to fast turnaround and correct out-of-the box operation, you can discuss technology with them. By then it won't matter any more.

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S.Lott Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10


You need to speak the language of business: money.

"If we do it Rails, it will cost you 50% less than the same functionality in Java."

Your percentage may vary, and you might need to also include hosting and upkeep costs, to show how it balances out.

When you're convincing other programmers, sure, talk about development speed and automation of repetitive tasks. But talk bottom-line cost to a business person.

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Sarah Mei Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10

Sarah Mei

Before you begin making the case for Django or Rails, you have to be convinced it's the right stack first in the context of the business person's needs. If the business person is an entrepreneur, he may have other factors that go beyond how quickly can the solution be developed. For example:

  1. If its an enterprise play that's being developed (something like SalesForce.com, SugarCRM, etc.) it may make sense to have it written in Java because this makes acquisitions and mergers easier with potential Java-based suitors.
  2. If its an internal IT play for a custom solution in a large company, they may already have a significant amount MS infrastructure in place. It may not make sense to have your client install SQLServer or complicate their stack further with a Rails/Django friendly stack.

If you've cross this chasm and are convinced you have the client's best interest in mind, then I would look for examples on the Internet where the same application has been authored in both Java and Rails/Django. Here's an example of the Pet Store implemented in Rails.


You can download the source code and demonstrate to your client how much less code is needed to achieve the same result.

Explain to the client why less code is valuable: the less code you write, the fewer bugs you will have.

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hyuan Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10
