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Stripe—test cards with insufficient funds

There are some test credit card numbers, e.g. Visa's 4111 1111 1111 1111, and when you test with these cards, it is always a successful transaction.

How do I test a declined transaction? E.g. if the card is valid but doesn't have enough money for the transaction?

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Mirror318 Avatar asked Mar 21 '18 03:03


People also ask

How do I test failed payments Stripe?

Test payment failures To test the effects of payment failure on an active subscription, attach the 4000 0000 0000 0341 card as the customer's default payment method, but use a trial period to defer the attempt (a trial of a few seconds or minutes is sufficient).

How do you test Stripe payments before accepting real payments?

Open the form you want to run a Stripe payment check for and go to its Settings. Click Payment Options and check Stripe if it's not checked already. Then put the Checkout Mode to Testmode, click Update, and test away. Don't forget to switch to Production when you need to start accepting actual payments.

Why does my card not work on Stripe?

There are three possible reasons why a credit card payment might fail: Payments declined by card issuers. Blocked payments. Invalid API calls.

Can I use Stripe test cards in live mode?

Testing paymentsYou can issue cards and simulate purchases using your own Stripe integration in test mode. This allows you to test your integration before you go live without having to make real purchases. You can only use these cards for testing within your Stripe account and not for external purchases.

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2 Answers

You have two scenarios when a charge can fail:

  • Charge directly a customer.
  • Attach a card to a customer and then try to charge that customer.

Stripe's documentation provides two test cards for those situations:

  • 4000 0000 0000 0002 "Charge is declined with a card_declined code."
  • 4000 0000 0000 0341 "Attaching this card to a Customer object succeeds, but attempts to charge the customer fail."
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Giovanni Benussi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

Giovanni Benussi

You can use the card number 4000 0000 0000 0002 or token "tok_chargeDeclined" to get a declined test charge: https://stripe.com/docs/testing#cards

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postmoderngres Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09
