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How to use predicate sharing the same name from several modules in Prolog

I am new to Prolog and I'm struggling with the following problem using SWI-Prolog. I have several files dataBase1.pl, dataBase2.pl, ... with the same structure (based on this thread)

:- module(dataBase1,[]).

:- use_module(library(persistency)).

:- persistent 
       predicate1(A:any, B:any),
       predicate2(A:any, B:any).

:- initialization(init).

init :-
        absolute_file_name('dataBase1.db', File, [access(write)]),
        db_attach(File, []).

predicate1/2, predicate2/2 are common to all the database files.

Then, I defined in a third file predicates.pl several clauses which make use of clauses in the previous databases such as testPredicate(A,B) :- predicate1(A,B), predicate2(A,B).

My problem is that I would like above clause to use predicate1/2, predicate2/2 from all the modules corresponding to database files. In the current state, I need to precise the context module in order to use predicate1/2, predicate2/2 (ie dataBase1:predicate1/2, dataBase2:predicate1/2,....)

I can't use use_module/1 as I will add/remove database file dynamically.

Thanks in advance for any advice !

Edit : Following the discussion in the comments, how can I define query-able predicate of the form head(X,Y) :- body() as persistent dynamic predicate ?

like image 673
user2469379 Avatar asked Jan 10 '18 16:01


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1 Answers

iirc, you should call predicates using module name as a prefix separated by colon.


like image 139
Anton Danilov Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Anton Danilov